Friday, February 18, 2005

Illness after vacation

Once again, I've taken quite a while to get back to my blog. It's been a busy month. My husband and I took a cruise to Mexico, Grand Cayman and Belize to spend quality time together and 'work' on our marriage. We had a great time. It was nice to be able to spend time together without pressures of raising children and career hassles. I only hope that we can continue to work together and keep communication open between the two of us.
I'll write more about the vacation during my next post and try to get some pics on here as well. We saw some beautiful sights and had lots of fun.
Once we got back, family life reality set back in. Our 2 year old got sick the day we came back. He's been sick now for 2 weeks with the flu and doesn't seem to be getting much better. Hopefully his fever will break and he'll begin to feel more like himself soon. I feel really bad for him right now. He hasn't felt like eating anything for most of his illness so far. Today was the first day in 2 weeks that he ate anything substantial. He had a pack of oatmeal. At least I've been able to get at least a cup of juice into him each day. Sometimes two cups.
He passed on his flu to me as well. This is the part about being a military wife that I don't like. The day my husband left for a det, was also the day that I began to feel the symptoms of the flu. Now, the past 2 days I've been in a fog, exhausted and shivering with my fever and still having to get Shelby off to school on time and take care of Dustin who has been vomiting and having diarrhea everyday since his dad left. I still have to take care of all those details of home life when I'd rather pull the covers over my head and sleep the week away. Oh yeah, and I also have a doctor's appt next week that I'm not looking forward to. The appt is to 'rule out' precancer. The whole idea of this is difficult to grasp. I've been turning it over in my mind, examining it like I would a foreign coin. I'm not sure how much value I should place on it. The doctor said it wasn't anything to worry about. That they used to get worked up over it but not anymore. Now, I don't know about you, but anytime someone mentions the possibility of cancer I cringe. I've lost too many friends to various types of cancer. The idea that I may or may not have a version of the disease is unpalatable. I haven't taken ownership of the possibility yet. I'm hoping that I don't have to. Might be that at the next appt, they find nothing. That's what I'm hoping and praying for anyway.
Well, next time I post I promise to be more positive. I'll give more details of my wonderful vacation. I hope I have good news to share as well. Until then, pray for me please. Thank you.


Blogger Scott said...

Lauren--Thought I'd take the time to respond to your blog. I'm glad you had a great vacation, just sorry reality settled back in when you returned home. That seems to be the norm. That, and the curveballs that are thrown to military families make civilian life seem like a cakewalk (although I can't remember ever actually doing a cakewalk ;) Not too much else is going on. I am ready to get back home, and to stay home, although I know I have deployments in my future. I think as I grow older I find myself growing more in tune with the universe and the more simple life. Pastoral seems to come to mind (rolling green fields, growing my own vegetables, raising bees and the like). I grew up in a very similar circumstance and couldn't wait to get away from it. Now that I'm away from it, I can't wait to get back to it...I think that's called irony. I'll keep you in my prayers, I know you need all the help you can get--just keep Greg and me both in yours. Take care and keep in touch! Scott

6:07 PM  

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