Wednesday, December 01, 2004


The past few weeks have flown by. December is here and I'm not sure I'm ready for it. Until today I hadn't even thought of Christmas gifts. I haven't written a single card yet either. I did manage to do most of my Christmas shopping today. I have a few odds and ends yet to buy or make... but for the most part I am done.

Work has been slow since the end of October. My closest friend at work is going to be leaving for a new position. He's going to be Chief Ranger at Smith Mountain Lake State Park over near Roanoke, VA. I'm going to miss him, but I'm proud of him and happy that he was selected for the position. To show our appreciation, Tiffany and I decided to 'assist' Andy with packing his drawer up at work. We cleaned out his drawer, boxed up most of the contents neatly and hid the box under a bunch of equipment, filled the mostly empty drawer with packing peanuts, (hid some of his favorite things in the peanuts too) wrote a nice card to him and placed it in the drawer, and then hung a FOR RENT sign on the outside of the drawer. We were pretty nice to him... after all, we did help him pack! He took the prank in stride, which is just like him. I've never seen him get angry about anything. Anyway, like I said, it's been slow at work. Has to be to have enough time to dream up and carry out a decent practical joke.

Back to December. For the past 6 months, it's just been me and the kids. That's going to change in a week or two (give or take... you never quite know with Navy schedules.) My husband will be returning and then we will go into a whirlwind of activity that I'm not too sure about. He's got orders to the other side of the country. I'm desperately trying to view these orders as a nice change, but having a hard time getting past the fact that I'll be leaving my family behind, my friends, all my community contacts, and my career as a Park Ranger. It's my wonderful, comfortable life, which I love very much! I knew as a Navy wife that this day was always a possibility, but the longer we stayed here, the more I began to think that we would never move. Of course, there is always more to the story... and there is plenty that I'm not going to write here, but the short of it is I'm not sure that I want to go. I'm doing my best to remain positive about the move. My husband thinks it is going to be absolutely wonderful. I want to think that. Some days I do think it will be a good change... other days I want to tell him "Adios, have fun in California and we'll see you if you decide to return."


Blogger Scott said...

Well, now that I can actually read blogs again (It wasn't just posting I couldn't do, it was also reading). The attitudes I've been choosing of late have been positive...just about every single day. It gives me hope to be positive, even when the world around me seems more negative than it ever has been. Someone has to plant the seed of hope in those around them--and that someone will be me as much as I can make it me. Mother Teresa said to give until it hurts-meaning not just giving monetarily or of your time, but giving of yourself, whether it be a smile when you just don't feel like smiling, or a hug to someone who desperately needs one even though you don't like them. That's the attitude I'm taking.

I enjoyed sailing today; it was nice to relax a little, even if it was only for a couple of hours. It was also nice to be with friends again. I sometimes feel sad and ashamed that I don't spend more time or send more letters/emails to my friends. For that I apologize. Sometimes I get wrapped up in the things I am doing at the time and forget about things that are outside of my focus. That is a bad on me and I'm trying to improve it. Just bear with me as I work through some very tumultuous times ahead--no matter how hard I strive to improve, there will always be my duty and responsibility to my country that will trump most everything else. I accept that and have accepted it since the day I raised my hand and took my oath of office. It doesn't necessarily mean I have to like it-- it just means I have to smile no matter how hard it is to smile and do what I have to do for God and Country. Anyway, I've babbled enough for now. Happy New Year! and I hope to see you in the future!

11:01 PM  

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