Thursday, November 18, 2004

Taking care of business

I spent the day rolling the thought of medical school around in my mind, sort of like a shiny new marble in my hand. I also had to take care of the ordinary business of life, like having the oil changed in the truck, having the truck inspected for it's state sticker, buying milk so I could cook dinner. I also went to the post office and applied for a passport. I'm excited about doing that! I don't have any major plans to leave the country, but it would be nice to just have the document that makes it possible to dream of faraway vacations. Well, I do have plans to take a cruise sometime early in the next year, but it doesn't require a passport to my knowledge.

I'm going to head over to the community college and sign up for a physics class tomorrow. It's the last of the pre-req's that I need to apply to med school. I'm also beginning to study for the MCAT's. I'm a little nervous about going through with this, but I've made up my mind to do it. I feel pretty happy about that.

All together, it's been a good day. I've been in a great mood. I feel like I'm getting things done. I'm optimistic about the future. I feel happy. It's nice to have a plan to follow.


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