Monday, November 22, 2004

What were they thinking?

Today was my first day back to work after almost 2 weeks off. I went to work with a smile on my face and left with one too despite all the little annoyances. Some things that I don't understand happened while I was gone. My supervisor made a rank decision to change the dates of one of the programs that I had scheduled for next April. Granted, the program date needed to be changed because it was supposed to be an Easter egg hunt, but I accidentally scheduled 2 weeks late. However, they didn't choose even the same day of the week to hold it on... they changed the whole scope of the program on a whim without consulting me about it. This irks me! Now, I understand that it's a supervisors' perrogative to look over their employees' work and make suggestions and/or corrections as they see fit... but on top of that, while I was gone the staff canceled a Fall Colors Canoe Trip. By definition, a 'Fall Colors' canoe trip should be scheduled during time when there is fall color. I understand the need to cancel a program due to bad weather, which was the case with this cancellation. All the participants indicated that they would like the program to be rescheduled too. So, did my supervisor take the initiative to reschedule this program since I would be out of the office until the 22nd of November and by the time I returned all 'Fall Color' would be gone? NO, he told the entire staff that scheduling this program was my responsibility and I would have to reschedule the 'Fall Color' trip when I returned. Now... why in the world would he take the step to change a program that is more than 4 months away when I COULD have done the changes... and take the exact opposite course on a program that needed to be taken care of immediately? I'm not really understanding this concept... and the situation posed a serious threat to my composure and relative good mood after my vacation. I was able to brush it off though. It's part of the madness of work and I suppose I'm not always... maybe not even often... going to understand the reasons for decisions that are made at work. At least when things like this come up I can always count on random acts of stupidity to lighten the mood, like today's act... a couple of people made the mistake of attempting a romantic(?) nah, maybe erotic is a better word, interlude in the parking lot of a park staffed with rangers. Moments like these always bring an ironic smile to my face as the paperwork is being written for their impending court dates. Again, it brings to mind the "What were they thinking?" question. At least this time I can have a chuckle over it though. Can't say the same for the lucky couple and whomever they each have to explain the ticket to... if anyone.


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