Sunday, March 12, 2006

Study break

I'm taking a quick break from studying to write a little today. It's been a little bit hectic here balancing work, family, and school. It's midterm week and I've just finished writing a term paper for Nutrition and taking a test for Microbiology. I've picked up quite a few extra hours at work lately too. I expect even more hours as my counterpart gave notice earlier this week of his intentions to move to Las Vegas and start a new business. All of these happenings have meant that writing in my blog has not been my top priority lately.

Microbiology has been my top priority actually. I'm managing to keep a 99% in the class so far. I've also started tutoring some of my classmates. I'm excited to be doing so well in the class. My classmates are not so excited for me. I keep hearing grumblings about ruining the curve. Someone told me to stop being an overachiever. It's kind of funny, hearing these things actually makes me want to work harder. I figure if they were really interested in doing well than they could show up to the study group since we extend an open invitation. Sometimes I think I should charge admission to it...

I have my next big trip in the works. Looks like it will be a trip to the Grand Canyon some time this summer. I'm excited! We are still planning the details right now. I'm hoping it turns into something of a family reunion, but I'll have to wait and see. I can't wait to write about the trip though.

I'm going to go back to studying about microbial genetic mutations for a little while. Take care!


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