Cross country trip: Aspen to Grand Junction

Traveling route 82 from the south east to Aspen, CO is a pretty cool trip. I mentioned in my last post that the road has some harrowing features to it, but it's full of interesting scenery too. I loved watching the environmental changes as we decended from Independence Pass toward the famous ski town. We watched as the scene outside the window changed from lots of snow and no trees in sight, to evergreens on both sides.

We had a hard time convincing our son to get in the gondola. He thought it was an airplane and the whole idea of it frightened him. I had to carry him on and he wouldn't sit anywhere other than my lap for the whole ride. He sat there with the most serious look on his face for the entire trip up the mountain. We didn't spend a lot of time at the top. Just enough to look around, take some pictures and head back down. We were going to have lunch up there, but the lodge was closed to get ready for a reception later that evening.
Back at the bottom, we stopped in at a restaurant on a street corner. Actually, a store was on the street corner. To get to the restaurant you had to enter the store and go up the stairs. I don't remember the name of the place (that's the hazard of not writing your memoir until 6 months after it takes place!!) but it had a nice balcony seating area with a view of the rest of the street below and it served delicious hamburgers. After lunch we were ready to get on with the trip except for one small errand. My husband had a beer called "Fat Tire" with lunch. He thought it was very good microbrew and since he hadn't seen it before he wanted to get some to take with us. A quick trip to a minimart secured that purchase and we were on our way. He was pretty excited about his new find too. He thought it was just a local brand, but we'd later find that it was pretty common at least from CO westward.
We left Aspen and continued on route 82 back toward I-70. There was a lot more traffic than we expected along the way. This part of the drive was ok, but there wasn't anything in particular that drew my attention until we got back to I-70. From Glenwood Springs on west almost to the Utah line, I-70 follows the Colorado River. The road leaves the river occasionally, but never for very long. We saw several kayakers and white water rafts along the way, which made us wish again that we had more time and a babysitter. The snow-topped mountains and thick evergreens gave way to more redrock and a desert-like appearance the closer we got to Grand Junction, CO. I guess we were entering the Great Basin. In Grand Junction itself, the thing that caught our eye was an A6-Intruder monument.

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