Another interesting site
I added a new button to the right side of my site. It's Yahoo Answers. It's a pretty interesting place to waste a bit of time. If you haven't heard of it, it's a place to post your questions and get answers from people all around the world. A lot of the people on there treat it like a joke or like a chat group, but there are some very interesting questions and some very informative answers. The button on my site leads to questions that I've answered recently. Anyway, check it out! Let me know what you think.
I'm going to study for a midterm now. The next time I post I'll write about Driving over the Tioga Pass toward Mono Lake, Mammoth Mountain and Bishop California.
Take care!
I'm going to study for a midterm now. The next time I post I'll write about Driving over the Tioga Pass toward Mono Lake, Mammoth Mountain and Bishop California.
Take care!
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