Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Missed kisses

It's morning now. First day of school and just put my daughter on the bus. She justs walked right on with her friend. No kiss, no hug no "bye mom!" it's a huge change from last year. I'm glad she's becoming more independent, but at the same time... that's my baby! I miss the hugs and kisses she used to give in public without a second thought. I know that everyone says it, but they grow up so fast. I've heard it so many times, but it doesn't soak in until you have your own children.

It's time for the endless chores now. Actually, what I'll probably do is go back to bed for a while. I knew I'd be exhausted this morning, but still couldn't fall asleep last night. Finally made it around 1am, but had to get up at 6. I suppose some people consider 5 hours of sleep a luxury. Not me, I prefer a minimum of 7 hours. Sleep... yeah, that's what I'll do. Maybe I'll get around to a workout and the rest of the chores in an hour or two.

Hope I can sleep though, instead of thinking of those missed kisses this morning.


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