Monday, September 06, 2004

Introductions and the cats

My friend Scott introduced me to his weblog a few days ago. What a neat idea. I'd occasionally stumbled across other people's logs, but hadn't really given thought to starting my own until I saw Scott's.

I suppose I should introduce myself... I'm Lauren, a Park Ranger/Programmer at Northwest River Park in Chesapeake. It's a great job, lots of fun usually. Lots of responsibility too. More than most people would think (including my supervisor). It falls to me to design, schedule, market and teach, or find instructors for all programs at my park, to plan and execute all special events at the park, supervise all volunteers involved in my events, and to design all brochures, maps, and handouts for the park. In addition to that, they recently added an "s" to 'park' which means that I program ALL parks in the city now rather than one. (Except fine arts events and previously scheduled annual special events) As if that isn't enough, I still participate in routine daily customer service at the park store while juggling the rest of the responsibilities. Oh, and the occasional medical emergencies or park disturbances that a regular ranger would have to handle... except that I'm not armed as the other rangers are. All this responsibility and one itty bitty paycheck. The city government that I work for definitely believes in doing more with less. I think they will keep chipping away until they meet their ultimate goal: doing everything with nothing. Wow! That was really negative... I don't want to leave the wrong impression. I really DO like my job :-) It would be nice to have more help though. The park is beautiful too, anyone thinking of making a trip to the area should check out the website. click on Chesapeake Living, Northwest River Park. Nice lake, nice campground, nice programs!

I should be going to bed about now, but have a hard time sleeping lately. Tomorrow is the first day of school for my daughter. Lots of things are going on in our lives. School, work, taking care of the house, pets, girl scouts, rescue squad, YMCA. The list could go on if I let my mind wander more. I'd rather not though. I need a break from all the activities that we do. I get so wound up in the daily activities... might be some of the problem with not being able to sleep...

Hmm, right now I'm watching one cat chase it's tail while the other looks on. The cats are Clover (7 years old) and Taboo (less than 1 year old). Taboo came to us a little over a month ago. She's a cute little thing, but TROUBLE! She got her name from two sources. 1. We were forbidden by my husband from getting another cat 2. my son was watching tv and kept trying to say 'tugboat' while my daughter and I were thinking of names for the cat. His efforts at 'tugboat' sounded like 'taboo' thus the name.

Well, maybe I'll try to get some sleep now. I need to be up early tomorrow for the first day of school! Have lunches to make, the house to clean, girl scout meetings to plan, should put in some hours at the fire station too... I'll be happy when Wednesday gets here and I can go sailing!!!


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